Owain Browne
Here you can find some headshots and pictures from shows Owain has been involved in. You can click the pictures for a larger version and for more information. You will also find recordings on this page.
Germont père in La traviata, Welsh National Opera
“I am Whale” – The Last Mermaid
Masetto in Don Giovanni with Alden Biesen Zomeropera
aus LICHT with Dutch National Opera
“Dio mi guidò…” Welsh National Opera
The Traveller in Curlew River, Melbourne
“You know, Arthur…” Blazes in The Lighthouse
Accoppatelo meco tutti e tre!” – Masetto
aus LICHT with Dutch National Opera
“The lighthouse is now automatic…”
“Ah! Violetta” – Germont père, Welsh National Opera
“Entbehren sollst du, sollst entbehren!”
The Lighthouse with Shadwell Opera
Mario in Heart 2 Get at Vlaamse Opera
Masetto with Alden Biesen Zomeropera
“From the records of the court of inquiry…” – The Lighthouse